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British Weather Explained

Writer's picture: #jointheFUN#jointheFUN

Updated: May 9, 2020

 by :  Arsie Gonzales


      UK weather is so unpredictable! You might go out prepped for summer clothes expecting to enjoy the sunshine by the river and come back home dripping wet from the drizzling rain. Or you could either be all layered up for the winter snow and find yourself still drenched in the rain, or probably sweaty under the heatwave on an early autumn breeze. So if it’s the weather you are unsure of, then you are not the only one confused of the typical "English Weather". Funny enough, rain is like the only constant thing in this country while the weather keeps on changing.

       UK has four different seasons: Summer, Spring, Autumn, and Winter. Even though the weather is varying, you can be rest assured that it won't be that extreme.


This season covers the month of June, July, and August. The average temperature across the UK is 12℃ to 21℃ (53 -73℉). But there are variations in temperature across the country; In the Northern part and coastal areas, the temperatures tend to be colder.

    If it’s your first time experiencing Summer in the UK, be prepared to get up early because the beautiful sunshine will definitely sneak through your window as early as 5 in the morning and might kept you late for bed until 10 in the evening.

      You are absolutely right! It is indeed the longest daylight you will ever get to experience. So if I were you, I would plan an all-day escapade to enjoy the beautiful places that UK has got to offer.

      There are lots of different activities that might interest you. You can go out on a bunting in Cambridge, enjoy the walk and sightseeing by the River Thames, or hold a barbecue party at the comfort of your backyard with your loved ones or friends too. For me, it is also the best time to chill on the beach side while quenching on a cold glass of beer, be like a child again and delight yourself with your favourite flavor of ice cream, or maybe you can see yourself on long queue for the best-selling fish and chips everyone is wanting to devour on.

       Beach is truly one of the best places to see during this season not only because there are lots of good food appetising to your palate but also this place is satisfying to your eyesight when you see people on their fashionable summer clothes on. Nevertheless, high streets are one of the best destinations to come and explore as well. You will see fascinating performers in every few kilometre steps of the road. You will be entertained by spectacular magicians, alluring singers and even peculiar but astounding people-disguised statue too. But what I love the most is chilling at the park with my picnic mat to lay on while reading my favourite books or play with my boys and share together some good food.


       It is also called Fall. This is an amazing season that lasts for three months: September, October, and November.

     The early part of Fall is overall my Favorited time of the year. It is when the autumnal colours of golden brown, orange and red dresses the trees that gives UK the beautiful scenery of colours truly satisfying to the eyes.

      Temperature varies from 5℃ to 15℃ feels chillier as it transitions from Summer and becomes colder towards the end of November to welcome the approaching Winter. This is also the perfect time to cuddle and succumb more into your bed as the days become shorter and the nights drew longer. The leaves of the trees start falling towards the end of this season and the colder breeze starts whirling. It will make you feel like lingering more by the fireplace while having some hot drinks and good food that are satiable to your palate and comforting to your tummy.

      Also, during this season, make sure you wear layers of clothing as you will never know when it will be dry, wet, or windy at times. Considerably, temperature rises significantly as this season near its end because Winter is nearing.


      It is the coldest time of the year. Temperature averages from 2℃ to 7℃ (36 to 45℉) and may even go lower than 0℃ at some point. Despite the coldness of this season, people in the UK doesn't just hibernate. We put on our best attitude to have fun and embrace the freezing temperature, icy conditions and even the snow too.

    As it has always been a cliché, "there is no such thing as bad weather only the wrong choice of clothing though". During these months, make sure you have the proper clothes to gear yourself up for the perfect activity. You can get ready to go for shopping as it is the perfect timing as well to catch the late December and early January season sale. You can also don your nice and warm gloves, fashionable hats and scarves with matching wellies or boots if you are up for a snow ball fight too. The high streets of London is one of the best place to get fascinated by the dazzling Christmas Lights and decors.

   There are so many fun things to do during this cold weather but not everything about this season is enjoyable for everyone though. Driving could be quite scary because the road is slippery. The sun sometimes doesn't show up at all the whole day making you feel somewhat down or gloomy. Along with this season also comes the bad flu and worse colds too. But hey! Don't get discouraged, this isn't too bad at all. Most of the houses and infrastructures here in the UK has good quality heating and even the transportation too. You can also enjoy a good cup of soup or hot drinks while you are snuggled under your duvet or you can go out with friends and enjoy the warmth of their company while having a bottle of wine or two.


       This is my next favourite season. The months of March, April, and May is like a rebirth and reborn of living things. The leaves of the trees start blossoming and the flower starts to bud and sneaks out of the ground to experience the earthy feel.

       Temperature starts to get warmer around 9℃ to 15℃. Oh! Life is just renewing back. The smell of the grass being trimmed to get ready for the Summer barbecue is such a nostalgia. The Garden Centers and Recycling area being rummage by people getting ready to prep their back gardens and allotments of vegetables. Even roads and houses are mostly under construction either for beautification or repair. Everyone just seems to be on their toes excited to watch the beginning of the days to become brighter and longer soon.

     You may find the daylight starting to become longer but it does not mean that rainy days and snows are finally over. Because this season can be so confusing as ever. You might either experience the most rainfall or the sudden strike of heavy snow. That is why choosing the right set of clothes are so important that layered clothing has already become a fashion.

    Overall, all these four seasons are such an amazing phenomenon. All the more, if you really are unsure of what the day might bring you, whether rain, heatwave or snow, always remember to learn the fashion of layering clothes and donning the best positive attitude to enjoy the uncertainty of what the weather offers you. You are in the UK and it is the “English Weather” after all.

External Links:

Weather reports and statistics from MET Office

BBC Latest weather news

Study UK Weather

About the author: Arsie works as a theatre nurse in Kingston Hospital NHS Foundation Trust and a mother of a lovely pre-schooler. She is one of the administrators and also an active member of Filipino UK Nurses Community.

Tags: UK, United Kingdom, Filipino UK Nurse, Pinoy Nurse, UK Weather, English weather


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